Users’ use of the pol constitutes acceptance of all laws related to this institution. Designers and employers, please read the rules thoroughly before any membership and contract.

Pol Rules

The following conditions are set for access, membership, contract, cooperation and use of all facilities and content of the pol:

Article 1:

All pol users, whether designers or employers, can only have one account on the site, and having more than one account violates the rules and causes the suspension or blocking of all accounts belonging to this person. And registering with your mobile number and opening an account with various numbers is considered a violation.

Article 2:

All accounts, sites and social networks related to the pol are managed in accordance with the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the exchange of any criminal content contrary to moral and customary practices contrary to the Islamic Republic of Iran will block the account and will be prosecuted.

Article 3:

Under no circumstances can all parties to the contract (employer or designer) have financial payment and financial agreement outside the official protocol of the pol site. In case of dealing with such an issue according to the rules of the site, the accounts of both parties will be blocked for a certain period of time.

Article 4:

According to the contract, the amounts received from the employer. The designer’s share will be added to the designer’s financial account. The amount will be blocked in the designer’s financial account (without withdrawal fee). Can request withdrawal and all payments will be made within 48 working hours.

Article 5:

The copyright and the credit of the works are reserved for the designers and the pol collection.

Article 6:

Any contract and agreement outside the framework of the pol  has no financial, legal or moral guarantee for the pol, and the parties to the contract, in order to trust the payments and the timing of the product, should finalize their contract through the pol complex so that Experience a healthy contract.

Article 7:

All orders must be registered and delivered via pol . Leaving this framework will cancel the support of the site and block the user accounts of both parties.

Article 8:

After registering the order, the employer must enter their profile through the pol and transfer all their documents and requests to the designer through the pol. The project delivery time will be calculated by the employer from the day the documents are uploaded. …

Article 9:

For each day of delay in project delivery, one percent of the project amount is deducted from the designer. Therefore, dear designers are requested to specify the exact delivery time of the project, which does not cause dissatisfaction of the employer and also does not cause the employer to distrust the collection. According to Article 8, the start date of the project is when the employer uploads the information required by the designer on the site. The employer must also approve the submitted documents and documents in due time. Otherwise it will be added to the project delivery time. The period of time that the employer can approve or cancel the documents is one working day. If the employer does not react and approve or reject it, up to three working days will be approved and the next step will be taken.

Article 10:

If the project delay period is twice the project delivery time, the employer can request a full deposit and cancel the order. Also, the designer’s account may be blocked forever under the Dispute Resolution section.

Article 11:

Construction projects that require meters, if the employer does not have a detailed map of the project site. Pol will introduce meter engineers to the employer and the cost will be borne by the employer. This feature is currently only active in Iran and will soon be active worldwide.

Article 12:

Any cooperation and contract with the pol constitutes acceptance of the pol Site Rules and the Privacy and Dispute Resolution Rules.

Article 13:

Bridge Management reserves the right to publish all worksheets related to designers and designers’ resumes by mentioning the designer’s name or code, for advertising and marketing purposes.


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