نیلوفر مجلسی I was born in Iran and have been educated in various Iranian, European and American establishments and culture

نیلوفر مجلسی

I was born in Iran and have been educated in various Iranian, European and American establishments and cultures. I was a resident in the UK from 1979-1993, where I lived and worked. Presently, I live in Tehran and work as a Persian-English freelance translator.
خدمات نیلوفر مجلسی

نمونه‌کار نیلوفر مجلسی

پکیج خدمات

سرویسی برای نمایش وجود ندارد

ارسال درخواست همکاری برای نیلوفر مجلسی

اگر خدمت مورد نیاز شما با هیچ کدام از پکیج های پیشنهادی فریلنسر تطابق نداشت یا به دنبال ارسال پیشنهاد همکاری خاصی برای فریلنسر هستید، می توانید از این گزینه برای ارتباط با فریلنسر استفاده کنید. لطفا قبل از ارسال پیشنهاد قوانین این بخش را مطالعه بفرمایید. (مشاهده قوانین ارسال پیشنهاد از طریق چت باکس)

تجربیات و پروژه‌ها

  • • Book entitled The Morning After (Bamdad-e Khomar) by Fattaneh Haj Seyed Javadi, 2013 (https://www.amazon.com/Morning-After-Fattaneh-Seyed-Javadi-ebook/dp/B09Z746SN9)

  • • Book entitled In The Seclusion of Dreams (Dar Khalvat-e Khab) by Fattaneh Haj Seyed Javadi, 2012

  • • Book entitled Memoirs of Shapur - King of Kings of Ancient Persia (Karnanmak-e Shapur Ormozd) by Fereydoun Majlessi, 2014 (Published by Sherkat Sahami Enteshar)

  • • One Thousand Years of Persian Poetry, The Persian Poets, by Mahshid Moshiri (Edited), (Published by Entesharat Aryan Tarjoman), 2018

  • • EUREKA, this is my ROSE! A selection of Fereidoun Moshiri poems translated by Mahshid Moshiri (Edited), (Published by Entesharat Aryan Tarjoman), 2017

  • • Book entitled The Legacy of Industrial Architecture in Iran – Isfahan Province by Leila Pahlevanzadeh, (Memarkhaneh-ye Bagh-e Nazar), 2018

  • Book entitled Iranian Handicrafts by Leila Pahlevanzadeh – Isfahan and Yazd Provinces, (Memarkhaneh-ye Bagh-e Nazar), 2019

  • Translator/Editor at Persia Digest - Tehran 2017-2019 Working as translator/editor for pergiadigest.com news website on Iran, translating/editing a variety of news articles (Political, Tourism, Arts & Culture, Economy, Sports, Society, SciTech, Galleries, Music, Health, Food)

  • Singapore Trade Development Board – London 1985 PA to Centre Director, to set up their newly opened offices at the High Commission in London, deal with trade enquiries

  • Eurocentres – Davies's School of English (Arels-Felco) - London 1986–1990 Bilingual Secretary using French/Persian, responsible for student enrolments, statistics, certificates, Cambridge Examinations (FCE/CPE), Pedagogic Administration Program

  • Casalee Services Ltd (The Casalee Group UK) 1991 –1993 Hurst - England Bilingual PA Persian/French, working for the Sales Director

  • Working as a temp for the following companies 1990 –1991 through Kelly Temporary Services London branch: • British Steel plc – Personnel Department - working for the Personnel Director (2 months) • British Steel plc – Health & Safety Department (4 months) working for the Head of Department • Royal Horticultural Society – Membership Department • Sonatrach Petroleum Corporation - working for the Managing Director and Finance Director • Export Credit Guarantee Department (ECGD) - Project Underwriting Division • London Regional Transport (LRT) - working for the Central Personnel Manager • London Buses Ltd - working for the Marketing Manager • Borden International (Europe) Ltd – Sunninghill - working for the Sourcing Director and two Area Managers • Calor Gas Ltd – Ascot - working for the Personnel Manager and Employee Relations Manager

  • And much more...